Sunday, November 29, 2009

Rapchop. Check it out.

I still don't have much to say, but here's what I've been watching, in case anyone has a burning desire to know what this Tie-dyed Ninja's into these days.

  1. Rapchop, definitely. Coolest commercial remix ever.
  2. Twilight...Only Better. So lame, I can't watch it without cracking up. Well, lame's not the right word. More like, awesome.
  3. Do You Like Waffles? Yeah, I like waffles!
  4. Geddy Lee bass line to YYZ. Incredible. Geddy's so my idol
  5. A Song About Acne is just so cool. Real talented dude.
  6. The Purple Man is fantastic. Same guy from the Song About Acne.
  7. Ok Go's Here It Goes Again music video. I so wanna do this some day.
And that's about it. I'll try to come up with something better to post.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

No. That Just Can't Happen. No no no no no.

Dotted quarter notes make me want to cry. I can't deal with them. I see one dotted quarter note and I break out in a sweat. "I have to play that??? NO way." There is no way around my fear of dotted quarter notes.

I'm playing piano again, and my new teacher assigned me four new songs. And guess what they all have in common? DOTTED QUARTER NOTES. Silent night, Deck the halls, America the beautiful, Here comes the bride. I only have to do one line from each, but the Silent Night one may be the worst. It's the least ammount of notes, but it's horrible. I only have to do the "Si-lent night, Ho-ly night" part. But I can't handle it. It gives me a headache if I try to play the first measure more than twice. The whole 3/4 time measure doesn't help either. It's like, "One, two-and-three, one. . . " and my mind can't do that. My teacher won't let me go, "one-and-two-and-three-and" throughout any of my songs. She says to just say "one two three" till there's an eighth note, so in Silent Night I'd have to say, "One two-and-three, one two three, one two-and-three, one two three".


Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Orzo is amazing. Nothing is cooler than cheesy orzo. Except maybe cheesy pastini. But I think Orzo might even top that. Orzo ROCKS.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Locker rooms and Obama

So many things happen in the locker rooms at school. Its a place where sixth, seventh, and eighth graders all come together to do the same thing: change into clothes that make you feel like a stupid tent. Everyone's uncomfortable at first, until you become friends with your row-mates. Everyone tries to change as fast as possible, and always hope that The Popular Girl is either too preoccupied talking to her popular friends to say something mildly rude, or is absent that day (even better). And the conversations in there are just weird. Like that one i had with my locker-mate and choir-buddy A* the other day. About who we'd hate to have ruling the world...

Me: Wouldn't it be scary if Gabby (my best friend and total nut job, in a good way!!) ruled the world? We'd be totally doomed!! *laughs*

A: *laughing* Yeah. That would be scary. You know, there are just some people you really DON'T want to be ruling the world.

Me: Like Gabby!! A: Yeah! And my mom!

Me: *laughing* Yeah, haha!! Mine too!!

A: *laughing* And Mrs. Burger*!


Together: *crack up*

Obama's cool. He makes me happy. He seems like more of a real person that you'd be able to relate to. Whenever I see the Obamas I can't help but smile. They're not fake happy. They're just happy. If you look on iTunes, there is an album of songs about Obama. There's also an iMix of songs inspired by Obama. Even the mega-popular song Live Your Life by Rihanna and someone else (I forgot who) that they play on KIIS FM all the time is inspired by Obama-Rama!! There's a song on iTunes called I Have A Crush On Obama and one called There's No One as Irish As Obama!!! And now there's a band called The Obama Mamas!!!! There's only one thing I have left to say. . .


Thursday, December 4, 2008


Woah. Dude. The computer's shaking. It feels like a giant is stomping around downstairs with a really bad limp. Weird...........Okay, now im starting to freak. Its geting louder and closer by the SECOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My friend passed me a note she wrote on the spot in class. I think its ah-mazing. Here it is.
lil' eggplants are falling
out of the sky and are
kissing raindrops with their
supple texture!!! They
are beginning

to sing the song of the chick-a-dees
they dont' aprieciate my

So ya. Pretty awesome, huh?

Omigawd, now the limping giant is tapdancing around the house. I am TOTALLY freaked out. If i dont post in the next 2 weeks, call the cops (lol jkjkjk).

Confusion, pie, and Pi.

People are confusing. In middle school, at least. And i mean, like, REALLY, iNCREADIBLY CONFUSiNG. For example, someone will like someone else, but they wont like them back, and as soon as the first someone stops liking them, the other someone likes them. That leads to the other someone trying to make the first someone like them back, first nicely, and then starts flirting with the first someone's friends to make them jealous. Ugh. *rolls eyes and sighs loudly and dramaticly* Middle school.

I like pie. It tastes really good. Apple is my favorite. Then pumpkin. Mmmmmm pie.

My math teacher was trying to make a point in class about repeating and terminating decimals or whatever, and she was all like, "If i told you, (person zoning out and being all smart), to write Pi for every second of every day for the rest of your life, you would never finish."
"(insert jerkish reply here)", the problem student said.
My teacher calmly replied (not really, she was shouting at this point), "You would be on your deathbed, (jerk), and you would still not be even CLOSE to finishing. You would DiE and you wouldn't have gotten far at all. Ya know why???? 'Cause it's iMPOSSiBLE. They have super computers just trying to figure out the rest of Pi. It's a REPEATiNG NUMBER!!!!!! GET iT???????"
Here the jerk just held out a paper and showed it to her. "PIE", it read.
Now she REALLY exploded. "THAT'S NOT EVEN HOW YOU SPELL iT!!!!!!!*turns quickly and drop previously animated arms to her sides in frusteration*"

I feel bad for poor Ms. Math.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Short-shorts and Insanity

Short-shorts+middle-aged men/ancient women=a VERY unpleasant Gym class.

My usual Phys Ed teach (whom I'll call Mr. Cilantro for now) wears green or blue short-shorts EVERY SiNGLE DAY. It's gotta be my LEAST favorite class now, just because of that. I don't car it we're learning, roller-bladeing or fencing, NOTHiNG is good enough to get my mind off of his HiDEOUS OLD MAN LEGS!!! Argh!!!
Oh yeah, and, if that already isn't bad enough, my only sub for that class since probably the beginning of school, was a near ancient lady wearing (guess what?).........PiNK SHORT-SHORTS!!!!! ugh!!!

My mom and I saw an insane woman on a corner near the mall today. She looked as if she was casting a spell on the intersection, and then started kicking what i thought to be an invisible gnome that seamed to be harassing her in some way. Once she actually yelled something (I didn't catch exactly what) at a car turning the corner. We eventually drove straight passed her and found that actually, rather than casting a spell, she seemed to be "flipping off" the entire intersection. And then proceeded with her kicking-fit at what seemed to grow to an entire gnome army that might have called her something she found extreamely offensive.

She definitely had issues. I hope she gets help soon.